So very nice to see you again, Muddy Waters!
Thank you for your kind and most appreciated words!
absorbed though i am in the moment -- all alone in this merciless.
world -- yet i think of sweeter days, days when you, my faithful, loving.
companion were at my side, at the ready to meet my ever-pressing.
So very nice to see you again, Muddy Waters!
Thank you for your kind and most appreciated words!
absorbed though i am in the moment -- all alone in this merciless.
world -- yet i think of sweeter days, days when you, my faithful, loving.
companion were at my side, at the ready to meet my ever-pressing.
Absorbed though I am in the moment -- all alone in this merciless
world -- yet I think of sweeter days, days when you, my faithful, loving
companion were at my side, at the ready to meet my ever-pressing
needs: those of heart, body, soul.
Who took you from me? I cannot believe that you should, of your own
accord, slip away and leave me unattended, this fragile and wounded
man who loved you so deeply but erratically. I admit to my manifold
Were the others who loved you aware of my urgent needs? Did they
insinuate themselves into your psyche and persuade you that your
unbridled devotion to me was, somehow, unhealthy?
It is by giving that we are renewed. Did you tire of attending to him
who had become -- surely, without question -- your reason to live?
It is not too late. Yet, if you cannot open that door and reenter into the
presence of our former reality, please come back to me in my dreams,
where my life has long since taken up lodging . . .
one of the most memorable, and beautiful, cinematic conclusions .
.. and beginnings?.
Thanks, finallysomepride!
I can watch it on my pc since I don't have TV.
the jist was that we all should sing.
then the first 6 or 8 paragraphs describe how early bible accounts have trained and set aside musicians to do the singing while everyone else listened.. the songs they have put out have no soul, rhythm, or soothing melodies as a whole.
the old hymns are some real music, even if you don't agree with the "teachings".. there is no admission of poetry using archaic language at times for affect or to add to the rhyme, they have to have everything agree with the grey bible.. anyone speak foreign languages?
Yes, smiddy -- cringeworthy!
the jist was that we all should sing.
then the first 6 or 8 paragraphs describe how early bible accounts have trained and set aside musicians to do the singing while everyone else listened.. the songs they have put out have no soul, rhythm, or soothing melodies as a whole.
the old hymns are some real music, even if you don't agree with the "teachings".. there is no admission of poetry using archaic language at times for affect or to add to the rhyme, they have to have everything agree with the grey bible.. anyone speak foreign languages?
one of the most memorable, and beautiful, cinematic conclusions .
.. and beginnings?.
Then I remember I have 2 amazing kids. -- ttdtt
Hoping that our offspring are a better, more highly evolved lifeform than ourselves.
one of the most memorable, and beautiful, cinematic conclusions .
.. and beginnings?.
Thank you, finallysomepride and redpilltwice, for posting. I learned something more than the little I already knew about this highly regarded SF film.
Have a good day.
one of the most memorable, and beautiful, cinematic conclusions .
.. and beginnings?.
one of the most memorable, and beautiful, cinematic conclusions .
.. and beginnings?.
One of the most memorable, and beautiful, cinematic conclusions . . .
and beginnings?
only when i house sit.. we use propane (lp gas) since there are no natural gas lines in our gated community.. i love "my" bertazzoni italia range:.
Only when I house sit.
We use propane (LP gas) since there are no natural gas lines in our gated community.
I love "my" Bertazzoni Italia range: